21 Nov 2010

A family affair

Amber 1 Allocated (89YO Male severe bleeding from nose)

We were 7 miles away from the job, I was driving so it didn't take long to arrive. I wasn't working with my usual crewmate I was with a lady. Making our way to the job I didn't get a chance to read the actual block name and door number I just followed the SatNav. When just under half a mile away from the address I took a quick glimpse at our MDT screen and notice that the job and the man in question was no other than my grandfather.

When we arrived my grandad was standing outside talking to the driver of the fast response vehicle that on this occasion just happened to be a manager. As I approached my grandfather I said "allo grandad you alright mate" on hearing that the manager turned and looked at me as if he was about to give me a bollocking for being patronising to the old fella. It was only when we were hugging that it dawned on him that he was my real grandad. Our control was really good and they allowed me some to with him to sort him out etc. He was ok, even fit enough to try and chat up my female crewmate (the dirty old fella) We left him with his horse raising and carried on the rest of the shift winding up my crewmate that I would give my grandad her number hahahaha