How things can change in two days! (Last Week)
Heroes of the day!
Yesterday my crewmate and I were called in to our station manager's office for a little praise.
"Great! well done guy's for keeping your timings within targets" ie they like our average (At Hospital Times) to be under fifteen minutes, ours is 6.6. Basicly they like us working and moving rather than dossing. And we have been like ninja ambulance men keeping our times to a minimum. We haven't really been trying that hard to be honest all we have been doing is working hard to satisfy our enthusiasm. It was nice to get a thank you from our station manager though.
And the next day!
Held in contempt!
Amber 1 Allocated (25 Female Bleeding PV, feeling faint)
The address is in a Magistrates Court for immigration. I admit that I originally thought it was a person condemned for deportation pulling a fast one by pleading illness. However when we arrived we could see through the door as we were approaching the court room that this lady was splayed out on a chair looking extremely pale (she was afro-Caribbean) and not fully alert. As we tried to enter the court room we were instructed by a court security guard to stay outside while the hearing was in progress. So obviously we ignore him and enter the court room where we were told by the Head Magistrate in no uncertain terms "if you try to enter this court while the hearing is in progress I'll hold you both in contempt"
Well great stuff, one day we were heroes the next we were villains, in a way I wish we had entered anyway and been put into a court cell. Would have been an interesting post on the blog lol!
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