29 Oct 2010

Ghost Stories. Wooooooh

This was the conversation in our ambulance last week at 2am parked outside an old east London churchyard.

My crew-mate will be in italics, I will be in normal text.

What would you do if you ever saw a ghost? Shit myself! OK picture this: We get a job to an old house with ivy growing all over the front wall and around the front door. As we enter we are approached by an old lady that says her husband isn't feeling to well and that he's been deteriorating over the past few days. We ask her about his medical history and if he has any meds, she obliges with the information and before she goes to get his meds she points us to the room where he is sleeping. As we wake him up we ask him about his current health and that we are here to take him to hospital, but then he asks us who called an ambulance and who let us in. We tell him that his wife Elsie did, he replies saying that she past away 10 years ago. After a few more stories like that to each other the churchyard we were parked next to became unbearable to look at. I swear every house we went into that night we had our torches on. Us 2 brave ex coppers we taking no chances. We even kept that light on in the back of the truck, even though there was no patient in it. wimps aye lol

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